
The Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technology, ReSet group is focused on the research and development of innovative solutions to decarbonize energy conversion and industrial processes. We conduct targeted enabling research that supports the development of new technology, and improving the efficiency of existing ones. We work across the technology readiness levels, TRLs, from concepts to commercially ready technologies.


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Our current research projects include:

  • Utilization of hydrogen and ammonia in industry
  • Steam calcination
  • Concentrated solar thermal for industrial processes
  • Hybrid solar-combustion systems
  • Plastic gasification
  • Valorizing low-grade fuels
  • Hydrogen-peroxide as fuel oxidant
  • Development of advance laser based techniques

Latest News

05 May, 2024

Re-Set MS student wins Innovation Challenge

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22 November, 2023

Capturing clean energy from tropical seas

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11 September, 2023

New Solar Simulator

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01 September, 2023

New Paper: Ammonia In-Situ Cracking

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